Get Rid of Your Toenail Fungus

Do you have toenail fungus that bothers you? If so, laser toenail fungus treatment can get rid of it.

What is toenail fungus?

Toenail fungus is a common concern. Sometimes fungus gets on the toes and starts growing on the toenails. This makes your toenails look yellow, thick, discolored, and disfigured. You can get toenail fungus from doing things like walking barefoot in wet areas such as common showers or locker rooms or at the beach. The fungus usually starts on your skin and moves to the toenails. The same fungus can also affect fingernails.

The fungus grows best in areas that are warm and humid. The toenails are such areas, especially if you cover your feet with socks or shoes a lot and sweat. Therefore, things that you could do yourself are avoid wearing socks and closed toed shoes as much as possible. Also, make sure your feet are completely dry, in particular right after you get out of the shower or bath. Dry your feet well with a towel and you can even further dry the area with a hair dryer for a few minutes.

What treatments are available for toenail fungus?

There are a lot of different treatments for toenail fungus. One is topical medication that you can apply to your nails every day. This is often not completely effective because it may not penetrate the nails completely. However, it can be an adjunct to laser toenail fungus treatment. Sometimes oral medications are prescribed by mouth. These can be effective but have the risk of side effects such as liver damage. Surgical removal of part of the toenail or the entire toenail can be performed, but this often makes your nail look disfigured. Now we have laser toenail fungus treatment that is very safe and effective, and doesn’t have these side effects.

How does laser toenail fungus treatment work?

 The laser toenail fungus treatment is a simple and non-invasive method to get rid of your toenail fungus. The laser heats your toenail, which kills the fungus. The laser toenail fungus treatment if fast, safe, and effective. The laser toenail fungus treatment takes about one minute and you can resume your normal activities right away. Dr. Alex recommends a series of three laser toenail fungus treatments done about a month apart. After that, you’ll start seeing clearance of the nails starting at the base. As your toenails grow out the cleared portion starting from the base will move toward the tips of your toes. Sometimes you can see a line of demarcation between the clear area and the affected area. Toenails grow slowly, so you have to be patient. The big toenail can take 12 to 24 months to grow out completely. In the meanwhile, be sure to trim your toenails short. This can be hard when the nails get thick, but wetting the nails for five to ten minutes helps soften the nails. You can do it when you get out of the shower. Additionally, Dr. Alex recommends a topical product to apply to your toenails daily to further help clear your toenails.

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