Benefits of Forever Young IPL

What is Forever Young IPL?

Forever Young IPL is becoming more and more popular for its ability to address a range of skin concerns while promoting a youthful and radiant complexion at the same time.

It's a non-invasive, light-based skincare treatment designed to target various skin imperfections and signs of aging. Forever Young IPL uses a broad spectrum of light wavelengths to penetrate the skin. Dr. Alex Eshaghian at A E Skin offers Forever Young IPL in the Encino, CA area.

Key Benefits

Reduces Sun Damage

One of the primary benefits of Forever Young IPL is its effectiveness in addressing sun damage. It targets sunspots, freckles and other pigmentation caused by prolonged sun exposure, helping to even out your skin tone and restore a more youthful complexion. 

Minimizes Fine Lines and Wrinkles

Forever Young IPL stimulates collagen production, a crucial protein responsible for maintaining skin elasticity. By encouraging new collagen to form, Forever Young IPL helps reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, promoting smoother and firmer skin. 

If you're after a non-invasive way to treat your fine lines and wrinkles, give Forever Young IPL a go by booking an appointment with Dr. Eshaghian at A E Skin, Encino, CA.

Improves Skin Texture and Tone

The light energy from Forever Young IPL penetrates the skin's surface, promoting cell turnover and exfoliation. IPL can also target and reduce the appearance of vascular lesions such as broken capillaries and spider veins, as the light energy is absorbed by the blood vessels, causing them to coagulate and be absorbed by the body over time. 

This results in an improved skin texture, creating a more even and radiant complexion.

Non-Invasive with Minimal Downtime

Forever Young IPL is perfect for you if you aren't quite ready for invasive treatments. There is minimal damage to the skin's surface and, in most cases, you can resume your regular activities immediately after the session.

Book Your Consultation

With regular sessions, you can enjoy sustained improvements in skin texture, tone, and firmness. Boost your confidence and self-esteem by seeing Dr. Eshaghian at A E Skin, Encino, CA. Call (818) 835-1833 to book your consultation today.

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10:00 am-5:00 pm


10:00 am-5:00 pm


10:00 am-4:00 pm



